Industrial Relations Act 1967 Ira

The industrial relations act is an act to provide for the regulation of the relations of employers and employees and the prevention and settlement of trade disputes by collective bargaining conciliation arbitration and tripartite mediation of individual disputes.
Industrial relations act 1967 ira. All officers to be public servants part ii protection of rights of workmen and employers and their trade unions. Ordinance 20 of 1960 revised edition 2004 1st january 2004 an act to provide for the regulation of the relations of employers and employees and the prevention and settlement of trade disputes by collective bargaining and conciliation and arbitration and for tripartite mediation of. What are the purposes of the industrial relations act 1967. This refers to court cases.
It emphasizes developments in courts and industrial tribunals. The main provision is section 20 of ira. Industrial relations act chapter 136 original enactment. Appointment of director general for industrial relations 2b.
What hr need to know about the proposed changes to the industrial relations act 1967. In keeping with the ministry of human resources ministry policy to review and reform the employment landscape in malaysia the ministry has been proposing several amendments to a number of employment related laws namely. The ira provides for mechanism related to the recognition of a trade union. Malaysia s human resources ministry s recent propose to amend the industrial relations act 1957 ira would introduce significant changes to the dispute resolution regime for employment claims in malaysia.
Our training course in malaysia s employment act 1955 ea 1955 and industrial relations act 1967 ira 1967 will provide you with an understanding of these two critical pieces of human resources legislation and how they have developed over the years. The judge applies the statute and decides what is applicable and what is not applicable. The industrial relations act. Act 177 industrial relations act 1967 arrangement of sections part i preliminary section 1.
A reasonable consideration is an essential requirement for a workman to be properly dismissed in the general thinking of the court. In court the judge makes a decision on the case. We are however in this case referring to the industrial relations act 1967 ira. To maintain a good relationship and fair dealing between employers workmen and trade union.
The industrial relations act of 1967 amended 1989 ira is the applicable legislation covering the situation where the cause of dismissal was misconducted.